In need of a long term coaching support for your team? Looking for adjusting your leadership style? Feeling at crossroads and looking for a revamp of your "old" self? here's somebody who can help:
In any organization, and even in one-to-one interactions, communication is not enough. If you want to engage hearts and minds, you should really learn the art of 'storytelling'. Duarte is one of the best in the industry. They are transforming the art in something more similar to a science.
Check them out...
Career advice anyone?
The Muse is mostly a career coaching and advice site for Millenials or whereabout ("Browse amazing jobs, get the help you need to advance your career, and wake up feeling excited to go work every day") - from how to answer key questions to what to wear, they can tell you all. But beside, even if you are not exactly a Millenial, their twits and blogs connect you to a wider world and offer lots of wisdom and opportunities to reflect, such as this..
Propeller, the #1 small business in Oregon ("We help big act small") is a consulting firm that listens and is able to hire really talented people.. Bright, responsive, positive energy, good thinkers.