
3 Steps in Our Awareness Journey

3 Steps in Our Awareness Journey

Embarking on ‘awareness work’ around our inner self and the outer context  is a wonderful step towards being able to shift our mindsets and expand our range of possibilities. Do you ever wonder:  How can I expand on this? What comes next? How can I keep myself moving forward? I offer 3 of my own insights and practices – as if we were in a coaching conversation.. 

5 Leadership Insights From the Love of Dogs

5 Leadership Insights From the Love of Dogs

I’ve lived with dogs for the past ten years of my life: they have been a relatively recent discovery but what a discovery! They taught me unconditional love, patience I did not know I had in me, even insights in my deeper emotions. They are my bridge to that warm side of me often hidden and elusive: they know how to reach it and have no shame in doing it!

As a coach and keen observer of leadership behaviors, I also found dogs to be an endless source of leadership insights.. Do you think that may be stretch? Think twice!